Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Day 25 Richmond to Marysville

We awoke early for the 6am breakfast. The tv indicated that it would be cool and cloudy with 40% chance of rain. After fighting yet another tour bus of oldies at the breakfast room we had the usual waffle and pastries/cereal/eggs etc. They all were muddling around the toaster waiting. They wouldn't make it in the army.  We had the route sheets given out at 6:45. After yesterdays muddle this route sheet was a bit excessive with 5 A4 sides of maps. As luck wold have it none of them were needed. The instructions that were written were adequate.

After leaving there was a brief shower and then a fine spell. After around 3 miles we passed into Ohio.

The first SAG (Support And Gear) came and went. The terrain was gently rolling but mostly flat. The temperature hovered around 10C, small showers came and went and the wind was minimal and variable in direction. The lunch stop was held in a church car park.

  Extra snacks for Jason.

After leaving lunch there was a brief cold shower. This quickly passed and we had a mostly slightly downhill run into own. This we cruised along at 20 mph.
On arriving at the hotel the woman said they had been having trouble with the lock on the door of our room and would one key be o. We both burst into laughter at this given our history with door keys.

Distance travelled today  16 miles in 6:14 .

A nice day's biking.

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