Saturday, 21 May 2011

Day 28 Warren to Dunkirk

It is hard to believe that now even normal people can count the number of days left on one hand. Apparently the military consider 7 to be the magic number hence why Mike has said for the last 2 days we are down to one hand. Today being the longest mileage day. everyone was keen to be gone as soon as they opened the van for packing. Before going to breakfast I discovered that my back tyre was flat. Weird as last night whilst Jason go his wheel trued and a new chain I swapped the back tyre for a new one as it was showing signs of wear after  4500km. So after breakfast I swapped out the tube. At least it kept me busy instead of having to watch the weather channel. We set off just after 7am. There was a small group in front of us and although we were making good progress they were pulling away. I hate chasing. After around 40 miles Lasse who had found a  flat also, came motoring up with a group in tow. Apparently they were cruising along at 27 mph. We arrived at the first SAG at 47 miles which was by a covered bridge.

At the SAG we found that the group in front had flown past the turnoff and was gone. Mike also instructed us that we needed to ease off if we wanted the lunch van to make lunch before us. So we waited with the growing group at the bridge and then meandered off  enmasse. The trouble was that the lunch stop was to be at a yet to be determined position so we waited until the trailer went past before increasing the speed.

To pass the time waiting at the SAG I photographed wiry Mike. He is in the habit of speeding past in the van screeching to a halt, jumping out and snapping a pic from weird angles.
The next stop was the Pennsylvania state line.

Lunch was next at a small store.
Jason's only greens for the trip.

 Note the nice clear blue sky. There was little wind and the road was fairly tame. Jason somehow managed to find a pothole that took up half the road. Albeit that I moved right over to the other side of the road 200m away from It. He and the bike came away unscathed.

Then into the town of Erie. Before this we joined up with some local lads partaking in a fun ride. We even managed to make a turn that they missed. Right smack in the middle of Erie we ran into a funeral procession coming out of a Greek church. They had police stopping traffic so that the cars all got out onto the busy road. That didn't apply to us. The navigation all went well until Jason tried to take us up a one way street the wrong way- so we then hopped through the park and back on track.

Finally through "town" we were on the lookout for Jim as they had scheduled a third SAG today at a yet to be determined point. We passed a couple of lads at a leisurely 26 mph and they hooked on for a bit. Unfortunately Jim was just around the corner at a winery so we had to stop and check in. The least you need to do at a SAG is sign in so they can keep track of riders.
Then onwards to NY state line.

Although we were close to the lake there was not much water to be sen as it was shielded by trees. We arrived just before 3pm. Distance 138 miles in 6:58. A nice ride. There was a nice lady at the hotel who was setting up food and drink for us. She is a staffer for one of the other AbBike rides. Yum.

Views of Erie from the hotel.

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