Friday, 20 May 2011

Day 27 Wooster to Warren

A nice short day today just under 100 miles. The weather was warm the sun came out. The only real problem was the roads. In places they were so cut up that you climbed in an out of potholes. Often on a downhill run and hidden in the shadows you hit a cut up section at 35 mph. The bike creaked and groaned and you held on. The bike and body withstood the barrage. We all made the SAG and lunch. The best part was a 3 mile stretch on a bike path. No cars and smooth black-top. Tomorrow is the longest distance 139 miles.
Given the short day we packed and left at 7:30 ish. This gave us an extra 1/2 hour in bed. Breakfast was the usual fare.

Today we did 98 miles in 5:43.

1 comment:

  1. What a looooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng and informative post. Took us hours to read it!!

    Have fun on tomorrows short ride.

